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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the most common questions students ask about the Online Learning instruction.
What does Navarro College offer online?
At Navarro College, over 50-80% of all coursework related to most degree and certificate programs at Navarro College can be attained online. Programs such as Business Management, Criminal Justice, Accounting, and General Studies are fully available online. Depending on what you’re interested in, there’s a really good chance you can get it online. For more details, please visit the Online Degrees and Certificates page.
Are you ready for eLearning?
Assess your readiness for stepping into the online learning environment with the questionnaire link provided. Complete the questionnaire by choosing the most accurate response to each statement and at the end of the form, click the Am I Ready? button to see your results. To learn more about your readiness for online learning, take the eLearning Readiness Questionnaire.
How much do online courses cost?
In general, students taking online courses at Navarro College will pay the the same tuition as a face-to-face class PLUS an additional cost of Internet Course Fee.
Note: These rates are approximate and subject to change. Please visit Tuition Rates for the most up-to-date information on Navarro College’s tuition and fee rates.
Is Financial Aid available for online courses?
Yes! Financial aid is available in many forms, such as scholarships, loans, grants, etc. Let Navarro College’s Financial Aid Department help you navigate through the process of getting you the assistance you need to pay for your courses. Visit Costs & Aid site for details.
How do I Apply and Register for online courses?
Admission requirements for our online program are the same as for general admission; however, you must be a Texas resident (i.e., have a Texas address) in order to qualify. We are not allowed to register students from outside the state of Texas at this time. For application and other admission requirements for new or transferring students. You’ll find this information at the Admissions site.
Once your application has been processed and you are cleared to register, you can continue to the Next Steps page for registration details.
Do students enrolled in online or distance programs have access to student services available at the campus?
Absolutely! Navarro College offers a wide range of student services available to ALL students, such as:
Office of Admissions
Financial Aid
Academic Advising
Counseling Center
Campus Bookstores
Testing Center
Tutoring Services (includes free access to 24/7 Tutorial Services using Brainfuse Tutor!)
Contact Center
Visit Support Services site for more information.
How do I access my courses?
Navarro College uses Canvas as the primary platform for online courses. Canvas is a system which allows Navarro College professors to make class materials (such as course syllabi, chapter notes, assignments, even tests) available to students online. Once the semester begins, student can log into their Canvas account and find all their course materials in just a few short clicks.
Canvas is accessible by visiting Canvas.NavarroCollege.edu.
Please note your classes will not appear until the first official day of class.
How do I access my Navarro College Webmail account?
All students are assigned a free Navarro College email (Office 365) account for college-related activities. Your email address will be:
Webmail is accessible by visiting MyNC. Please contact the Contact Center for login information or assistance.
If you are taking an online or hybrid course, you will need to check your e-mail regularly so you won’t miss any messages from your professor. Also, remember to ALWAYS log out of your Webmail account after each session.
What do I need to know to be an online student?
Online courses can be more challenging than face-to-face classes in that the student must be more self-disciplined and organized in order to keep up with course requirements. All online courses have due dates and deadlines for various assignments, tests, projects, etc. assigned by the professor. Students should familiarize themselves with the syllabus and avoid putting off class work until the last minute. Students should also seek help immediately if they are experiencing difficulties (academically or technically). It is not required that students are experts in using a computer; however, online students must have basic knowledge of operating a computer and various applications (such as Microsoft Office).
Can all tests for online courses be taken at home, or will I need to test at a proctored testing location?
Navarro College does have several online classes which allow students to take tests at home — this really depends on the specific course and professor. However, please be advised some courses may require students to take certain exams in a proctored testing environment. Additional fees may be required for students choosing to take tests at a professor-approved location not affiliated with Navarro College (this includes testing at another local community college, university, learning center, public library, municipal center, military installation, or remote proctoring at student’s home location). You will be able to make arrangements with your professor as to where you will be taking your exams. Navarro College also provides testing services for online students at each of its campus locations.
Visit the Testing Center site for contact information and hours of operation.
Who do I contact if I need assistance?
Your instructor can assist you with questions pertaining to your course and what will be expected of you during the semester, and it is always important to let your instructor know immediately if you are having difficulty with your coursework. Be sure and read your syllabus and course information carefully – answers to many of your questions may already be contained in these documents. Make sure you are using your Navarro College Webmail account when contacting your professor.
If you continue to experience difficulty, please contact the Dean of Online Instruction at (903) 875-7422. If you are having technical issues or cannot access Canvas, Webmail, Self-Service, or MyNC, please contact the Contact Center as soon as possible by emailing the Contact Center or call (903) 875-7416. (Live Chat available)
When contacting your professor or Contact Center personnel, please provide your full name, date of birth, a callback number, and a brief description of the problem you are experiencing (including any error messages). If you are leaving a voicemail message, please be brief – speak slowly and clearly – and always leave a number where you can be reached. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Specific account access information can ONLY be shared with the student needing assistance. |